Sailability – Bayside

Support group details

Group Name
Sailability - Bayside
Group Description
Provides a friendly environment & active sailing for people with disabilities regardless of age & level of ability.
Who can Join
People with disability & their carers. Bookings essential, phone 0432 152 310.
Contact hours
From 9:00am Mon & Thurs during school term (excluding public holidays).
Where we meet
Darling Point Sailing Squadron, 22 Trafalgar St (next to the Coast Guard).
Sailability is run by Volunteers who give their time freely to help people living with disability to have an enjoyable sailing experience. Please be respectful when dealing with these Volunteers.
More Info
As a duty of care, support workers (or family) must always stay on site for the welfare of their clients/family member.
Group Focus
Sailing for People with Disability.
Area serviced
Brisbane North, Brisbane South & Logan
Phone contact
0401 994 271 after 7:00am to confirm we are sailing that day
Contact the group by email

Email Contact