Mental Health Carer Support Group – Rockhampton

Support group details

Group Name
Mental Health Carer Support Group - Rockhampton
Group Description
A caring group for people supporting a family member with mental health issues.
Who can Join
Carers for family/friends with mental health issues including alcohol & other drugs.
Contact hours
Meet every Wed from 10:30am.
Where we meet
Rockhampton Community Health Bldg, 82 - 86 Bolsover St
Free cuppa & light refreshment provided. Socialise & debrief around your individual carer lived experience. Education & information around navigating the health care system while supporting your loved one.
More Info
Discuss self-care ideas & strategies. Influence how our service can better support you.
Group Focus
Caring responsibilities for a family member/friend with mental health issues including alcohol & other drugs.
Area serviced
Central Qld
Phone contact
0438 480 574
Contact the group by email

Email Contact