Rainbow OK Foundation

Support group details

Group Name
Rainbow OK Foundation
Group Description
RAINBOW OK was formed by a group of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) community members in response to the high rates of poor mental health, self harm and suicide in our community. Mental health is improved through forming positive community connections, talking about mental health and wellbeing, and seeking support from a mental health professional. We hope to provide spaces, both online and in person, for LGBTI people to do this.
Who can Join
Anyone who is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, same-sex attracted.
Contact hours
Hold a BBQ every second month, please visit facebook page for more details.
Where we meet
New Farm Neighbourhood Centre
Hold a BBQ every second month, please visit facebook page for more details.
More Info
This is a volunteer peer run group, which is unable to provide support outside of facebook and bi-monthly BBQ. This is NOT a counselling service or a therapeutic support group, and does NOT give professional counselling. Any advice given here is done by community members who may not have any professional training. Individuals should always seek professional mental health advice from your GP, psychologist or mental health professional.
Group Focus
Support for people who identify as Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Intersex.
Area serviced
Brisbane North
Phone contact
0411 151 817
Contact the group by email

Email Contact