Queensland Acoustic Neuroma Assoc

Support group details

Group Name
Queensland Acoustic Neuroma Assoc
Group Description
Queensland Acoustic Neuroma Association (QANA) is a group of patients, who have experienced an acoustic neuroma (or those with similar tumours), their families and friends. By means of regular meetings, newsletters and sharing we look to provide mutual help to all those affected by this medical condition. Members are encouraged to share their journey from when they first heard of the problem, through to their operation/radiation treatment, recovery process and beyond.
Who can Join
Those with Acoustic Neuroma and their families
Contact hours
Where we meet
92 Kirkland Ave
More Info
Bimonthly support meetings at 11:30am
Group Focus
deaf, hearing loss, acoustic neuroma
Area serviced
Brisbane South & Logan
Phone contact
0476 989 650
Contact the group by email

Email Contact