Parkinson’s Qld Support Group – Caloundra

Support group details

Group Name
Parkinson's Qld Support Group - Caloundra
Group Description
An informal, friendly gathering of people living with or impacted by Parkinson's. New members are always welcome.
Who can Join
People with Parkinson's, their carers, family & interested others.
Contact hours
Meet 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10:00am (Feb - Nov).
Where we meet
IRT Parklands, 242 Parklands Boulevard
Informal conversation, guest speakers & activities.
More Info
By knowing more about Parkinson’s disease through the experience of others & through professional resources, you will discover new ways of dealing with your own symptoms & challenges.
Group Focus
A chance to meet & talk with others while offering each other emotional & practical support. Besides helping you realise you are not alone, the support group gives you a chance to share your feelings & hear the experiences of others.
Area serviced
Sunshine Coast
Phone contact
Allan 1800 644 189
Contact the group by email

Email Contact