Laughter Clubs – Charters Towers

Support group details

Group Name
Laughter Clubs - Charters Towers
Group Description
Laughter Yoga combines the deep cleansing breath of yoga with gentle stretches and playful exercise that evokes laughter.
Who can Join
Contact hours
Meets on Thursdays at 5:30pm
Where we meet
Charters Towers ChoristerHall, 35 York Street
Charters Towers
Follow the leader in playful laughing exercises suitable for all ages and abilities.
More Info
The benefits of laughter are physical, psychological and social.
Group Focus
Laughter Yoga is a fun and effective exercise program.
Area serviced
North Qld
Phone contact
Phone 'Laughter Yoga Australia' on 0408 552 269 for more details
Contact the group by email

Email Contact