Family Drug Support – Gladstone (Online)

Support group details

Group Name
Family Drug Support - Gladstone (Online)
Group Description
Meetings-open meetings for family members impacted by someone’s drug/alcohol use. Open to anyone and providing opportunities to talk and listen to others in a non-judgmental, safe environment.
Who can Join
Open to all family impacted by someone's drug/alcohol use.
Contact hours
5:30pm - 7:30pm 1st Wednesday of the month
Where we meet
Online via Zoom
Support Group Meetings-open meetings for family members impacted by someone’s drug/alcohol use. Open to anyone and providing opportunities to talk and listen to others in a non-judgmental, safe environment. Bereavement Support-supporting families of those lost to drugs or alcohol. Stepping Stones to Success- is a structured, interactive and experiential course that brings people together with similar challenges. Stepping Forward- education and interactive sessions for families and friends and workers, providing information and support relating to alcohol and other drug use.
More Info
Support option for those families who may require additional support or who may have a barrier to accessing other FDS services.
Group Focus
addiction to alcohol, drugs
Area serviced
Phone contact
Belinda 0490 536 976 or Head Office (02) 4782 9222
Contact the group by email

Email Contact