Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Support Group – North Qld

Support group details

Group Name
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Support Group - North Qld
Group Description
Members of the NQ support group work towards awareness and understanding of Autism and advocating for better services. The group nominates and awards annually those individuals and organisations who are 'Autism friendly.' Parents in the group have children with Autism who range in age from very young to adults. There are also adults in the group who have received a diagnosis of Autism.
Who can Join
Anyone interested in Autism is welcome
Contact hours
Where we meet
phone for details
Phone support. Email support. Monthly meetings. Monthly coffee mornings which are a great way to share information.
More Info
Social Groups for Adults, Adolescents, IT and Brothers & Sisters Groups. People in the group are invited to be part of a network that is kept current with information about local and worldwide Autism news and events via email.
Group Focus
Awareness & understanding of autism & providing social support.
Area serviced
North Qld
Phone contact
Gwenyth (07) 4774 0637 - prefer phone calls were between 9am and 5pm
Contact the group by email

Email Contact