Amputees and Families Support Group Qld Inc – Healthy Ageing Hub

Support group details

Group Name
Amputees and Families Support Group Qld Inc - Healthy Ageing Hub
Group Description
Help improve health outcomes for individuals by increasing knowledge, skills & confidence to navigate health & aged care services.
Who can Join
People over 50yrs old, their families & carers living in the Logan area.
Contact hours
Phone for details.
Where we meet
Ben Mathews Playground, 55 Ellen Street
Logan Central
Open House Morning Tea, Healthy Hearing, Advocacy, Actively Ageing & Information available.
More Info
Provide information on a variety of topics to encourage individuals to feel more confident in managing their own health & wellbeing.
Group Focus
Empowering older people to confidently manage their own health & wellbeing in the community.
Area serviced
Brisbane South & Logan
Phone contact
Lynda (07) 3290 4293
Contact the group by email

Email Contact