Sisters Inside Inc – Brisbane

Support group details

Group Name
Sisters Inside Inc - Brisbane
Group Description
Sisters Inside Inc. is a Not-For-Profit organisation that supports criminalised women, girls & families with dignity & respect.
Who can Join
Women who are prisoners or ex-prisoners, their family, friends, carers.
Contact hours
Phone for details.
Where we meet
326 Montague Road
West End
Advocacy. Support Programs & Services for - Women; Women & Kids, Young People.
More Info
At Sisters Inside, we believe that no-one is better than anyone else. People are neither “good” nor “bad”; human behaviour is circumstantial, environmental, transformable & fallible.
Group Focus
People have the capacity to learn from experiences of others. We believe we are responsible for sharing knowledge with those that “miss out”, including women in the criminal justice system.
Area serviced
Brisbane North
Phone contact
(07) 3844 5066 or 1800 003 242
Contact the group by email

Email Contact