Blue Knot Foundation

Support group details

Group Name
Blue Knot Foundation
Group Description
Referral & counselling for recovery from complex childhood trauma. Learning to trust others, to feel safe & to turn to them for support is a crucial step in recovery.
Who can Join
Adult survivors of childhood trauma & abuse, parents, partners, family, friends & professionals.
Contact hours
Helpline Monday to Sunday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Where we meet
Phone for details of support available.
Extensive evidence-informed resources including guidelines, videos & fact sheets. Workshops. Blue Knot Helpline & Redress Support Service provides short term trauma phone counselling, support, information, referrals for childhood trauma survivors. Counsellors available who speak Armenian, French & German.
More Info
Many people who have been abused, neglected or repeatedly traumatised experience intense emotional pain & distress at different times. If you or someone you know is feeling like this, there is help & support for you.
Group Focus
Empowering recovery from complex trauma for Adult survivors of childhood trauma & abuse.
Area serviced
Far North Qld, North Qld, Western Qld, Central Qld, Wide Bay, Sunshine Coast, Darling Downs West Moreton, Brisbane North, Brisbane South & Logan, Gold Coast
Phone contact
1300 657 380
Contact the group by email

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