Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families – Bundaberg

Support group details

Group Name
Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families - Bundaberg
Group Description
Adult Children of Alcoholics is a Twelve Step program. The term adult child is used to describe adults who grew up in alcoholic or dysfunctional homes & who exhibit identifiable traits that reveal past abuse or neglect. The group includes adults raised in homes without the presence of alcohol or drugs. These ACA members have the trademark presence of abuse, shame & abandonment found in alcoholic homes.
Who can Join
Anyone who has a desire to recover from the effects of growing up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional family.
Contact hours
Meeting, Monday 12pm
Where we meet
Sterling Hall, Uniting Church, Corner Barolin & Electra St, entry Via Electra St
Our 30 years of experience has shown that adult children who attend our meetings, work the Twelve Steps & find a Higher Power, experience astonishing improvement in body, mind & spirit. Ours is one of the few Twelve Step fellowships that embraces the difficult task of trauma work, which can often lead to an exciting journey to the Inner Child or True Self. Along with sponsorship, we encourage informed counselling to help the adult child accomplish the greatest level of emotional healing from an abusive upbringing.
More Info
We discover, that how we were parented affected our past & influences our present. We begin to recognise the unhealthy elements of our childhood. We begin to learn just who we are apart from our family of origin. We learn to re-parent ourselves with gentleness, humour, love & respect. By practising the 12 steps, focusing on the solution & accepting a loving Higher Power of our own understanding, we find freedom from the past & a way to improve our lives today.
Group Focus
adult children of alcoholics and dysfunctional families
Area serviced
Wide Bay
Phone contact
Contact the group by email

Email Contact