Townsville Region Committee on the Ageing Inc. (TRCOTA)

Support group details

Group Name
Townsville Region Committee on the Ageing Inc. (TRCOTA)
Group Description
Embraces the shaping of a more just, equitable & humane community, in which older people interact with other generations to grow to their fullest capacity. contribute to their community & have access, with dignity, to appropriate care & support.
Who can Join
by membership
Contact hours
Where we meet
Block B Churches of Christ Campus Vincent (Best entry Ronan Street)
Social sing-along. Monthly meetings & voice your concerns. You will also receive "Voice of Seniors" a bi monthly newsletter with useful details of Various matters Concerning our older generation.
More Info
To achieve change we need you to, not only take an interest in what is happening around you, but to talk to us so we can advocate on your behalf.
Group Focus
To promote the interests of seniors by advocating on their behalf.
Area serviced
North Qld
Phone contact
0421 765 279 - leave a message or text if phone is unattended
Contact the group by email

Email Contact