Support Groups

In an EMERGENCY call 000 or go to your local hospital emergency department.

Due to COVID-19, groups can change their arrangements quickly and may have reduced response times. We encourage you to continue to reach out to groups but please be patient. Please contact Support Groups QLD if you need help making contact with a group or cannot find what you were looking for.

We don’t endorse or recommend any particular group but if you have a particularly good (or bad) experience with a group we would appreciate your confidential feedback.


Group Focus Health, social connectedness & empowering women to deal with everyday matters through women’s shed
Group Focus To promote & enhance the social, emotional & physical well-being of women over 18 years of age & various backgrounds.
Group Focus Women coming together for friendship or to learn something new.
Group Focus Empowering women to pursue their interests in various activities.
Group Focus Empowering women to pursue their interests in various activities through Women’s Shed.
Group Focus To promote & enhance the social, emotional & physical well-being of women of all generations & backgrounds.
Group Focus women coming together for charity & friendship
Group Focus Building a team of women of all ages that have different backgrounds, skills & interests.


Mental Health Line - 1300 642 255

Mental Health Line

1300 642 255

1300 MH CALL is a confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides the first point of contact to public mental health services to Queenslanders. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will link to the caller’s nearest Queensland Public Mental Health service.


13 43 25 84

13 HEALTH provides health advice from a registered nurse 24/7

13 HEALTH - 13 43 25 84
Medicines Line - 1300 633 424

Medicines Line

1300 633 424

Medicines Line operates Mon-Fri; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for questions about medicine.



Connect Groups WA
oneplace find support groups

 Collective of Self Help Groups Victoria (COSHG)